5 Healthy Benefits Of Forgiveness

What Is Forgiveness?

Some confuse forgiving with just verbally accepting an apology, but that’s not true. Although saying “it’s okay” often goes hand in hand with forgiveness, these things are not one in the same.
In order to forgive you must let go of your anger and negative thoughts and forgive the person deep within yourself as well as outwardly. You can even do this without a true apology, if the person doesn’t feel they are wrong or has too much pride.
Forgiveness is not just a formality, but a state of mind. And that loving, accepting state of mind can lift you from a lot of burdens—mentally and physically.
Those who exhibited more forgiving perspectives had lower physiological stress responses.
Keeps Your Heart Healthy
Forgiveness is good for the heart—literally. people who hold on to grudges tend to have higher heart rates, while those who are more empathetic and able to forgive tend to have lower heart rates.
Why hold onto anger when it will make your heart do more work than it needs to do?

Lowers Pain
Having a forgiving heart may lower both emotional and physical pain, according to a study done by Duke University Medical Center researchers. Out of 61 subjects who suffered from chronic back pain, those who were more likely to forgive reported lower levels of pain, leading researchers to believe that “a relationship appears to exist between forgiveness and important aspects of living with persistent pain.”

Lowers Blood Pressure
Letting go of that anger you’ve been harboring might lower your blood pressure.

Extends Life
Your grudges might be shaving years off your life.  After testing adults ages 66 and older and determining their ability to forgive, those who were more forgiving in nature tended to live longer. Forgive, and you’ll live!

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