Recognize Your Self-Worth (Guide)

It is important to recognize that you are a unique human being and have worth. We all have a sense of self. Whether that sense of self is positive or negative is based upon our experiences in life and our perceptions and assessment of ourselves. Moreover, we all deserve to take care of yourselves and set limits. Again, we need to frequently reinforce this idea by continuing to focus on our self-worth.

Self-esteem is the regard or respect that a person has for oneself. A person with positive feelings regarding the self is said to have high self-esteem. However, self-esteem can refer to very specific areas as well as a general feeling about the self. For instance, a person may have low self-esteem regarding public speaking and high self-esteem about ability to do a job well.

Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself as a person. Those with high self-esteem believe that they are adequate, strong and worthy of a good life, while those with low self-esteem feel inadequate and worthless. Low self-esteem can cause great emotional pain, therefore, it’s important to develop a healthy, positive sense of self.

Many people base their self-esteem on external factors, such as physical attractiveness, or how much they weigh. If one of these external variables change, self-esteem can be broadly affected. Building your self-esteem and creating a positive self-awareness comes from taking an inventory of your own strengths and abilities as a human being. 

Being at peace with who you are and what you have to offer the world is a major part of having high self-esteem. This “inner peace” does not mean that you are unaware of your weaknesses; it merely means that you accept who you are and genuinely like the person you have become.Through self-awareness, one can develop authenticity and integrity. 

Self-awareness allows you to identify the gaps in your life and uncover the areas in which they are most effective as well as areas that need additional work. These understandings aid you in making discerning decisions, and helps you become more effective in motivating yourself towards positive outcomes. 

Learning to be self-aware isn’t always easy, but mastering it can enable you to become a better version of yourself and create a more nurturing lifestyle. 

 Key Ways To Improve Your Self-awareness

Keep an open mind to other possibilities: Be curious, be opened to new ideas and welcome unique thoughts.

Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses: Individuals who are self-aware know the areas in which they are strong and those which need some work. Being honest about these strengths and shortcomings puts you in a position for improvement and growth.

Keen awareness of your environment: It is crucial to keep focus. There are a lot of things that vie for ones time. A self-aware person will understand areas of distraction and steer clear of them so that they can concentrate on what they need to do to move forward.

You should think about yourself as deserving of attention, admiration and proper maintenance. Avoid the pitfall of paying too much attention to the happiness and well-being of others and too little to your own. Maintaining self-esteem involves becoming fully aware of your strengths and seeing challenges as opportunities to employ those strengths.

Beginning the inner dialogue about who you are and what you have to offer the world is an important process in building self-esteem. However, it is not unusual to have trouble defining your strengths and abilities. Remember that the most important conversation you have about self-esteem is with yourself. 

Become your own personal cheerleader and celebrate even your smallest successes. Learning to know and trusting yourself is a long but worthwhile process. Throughout life you may need to search within yourself again and again to find your own empowerment and strength. Sometimes it's easy to like who you are.

You feel great when you pass a test, score a winning touchdown, or tell a funny joke that everyone laughs at. But how do you feel about yourself when you just said something you were not supposed to say or fumbled the football? You sometimes feel dumb or left out of the action. 

To clearly define the characteristics of high self-esteem, there is a need to make the distinction between an artificially inflated self-esteem and true self-esteem. An artificially inflated self-esteem is an effort to appear to have high self-esteem. 

Individuals with high self-esteem can accept themselves completely and they are able to take responsibility for themselves as well as the consequences of their actions without being excessively critical of themselves. Therefore, they are readily able to acknowledge mistakes and accept limitations.

A high self-esteem gives you a strong sense of purpose and commitment to goals in life. It offers a great sense of persistent in achieving these goals, as your commitment does not fluctuate based on success or failure. Individuals with high self-esteem tend to have internally-based values rather than externally-based values.

In other words, they have a strong identity based on chosen values rather than values they believe due to the demands or expectations of others. This type of identity is usually considered an "achieved identity" in which a person has analyzed their beliefs and values to decide the set of internal principles or values that they will adhere to.

In fact, people with a good self-esteem and self-efficacy are often able to recognize their limitations without a judgement attached. High self-esteem also gives you a sense of gratitude towards life. It helps you to freely praise yourself and others and tend to look for the positive aspects of life and not dwell on the negative.

Generally, there is a strong tendency to strive towards self-improvement and self-efficacy when you develop a great self-esteem. One of the most obvious characteristics of high self-efficacy is self-confidence. It helps you to approach tasks or situations with a success mindset. 

This self-confidence tends to lead to more experience which increases self-confidence. This positive cycle lends itself to increasing self-efficacy even further. Individuals with high self-efficacy tend to be able to accurately evaluate their performance. 

As mentioned earlier, they are neither overly-critical nor overly positive but are able to examine themselves realistically in order to pursue self-improvement. A high self-efficacy individual is willing to take risks because he/she understands that taking calculated risks increases the chances of success.

The self-concept is basically a factual description of how you perceive yourself. If your perception is distorted, this description may not be an accurate depiction of you, but it is an accurate statement of what you believe about yourself.

How Can Self-Esteem Be Improved?

First and foremost, people with low self-esteem need to eliminate harmful self-talk. The negative labels and frequent self-criticism can only cause further damage. Eliminating negative self-talk doesn't mean you can't recognize and address problems, but it means to be careful about how you talk to yourself and to not be self-destructive.

Those with low self-esteem tend to focus on their weaknesses rather than focusing on their strengths, sometimes claiming that there isn't anything positive they can say about themselves. That is unlikely to be true. It is important to pay attention to strengths and to appreciate the strengths no matter how small they may seem. 

Once you recognize the strengths you need to reinforce the strengths with consistency. It is vital to note that no one can be liked by everyone! It is an impossible task. However, the person with low self-esteem often feels a failure if someone is disapproving or rejecting. Instead, congratulate yourself because you are being a genuine person.

The most important way to improve self-efficacy is to develop the skill set you need to be effective. If you are having trouble being successful in your work, identify your areas of deficit and determine what you need to do to improve. Once you know what you need to do, then you need to do it again and again until you feel competent. 

That's how competence develops. People aren't born with competence; they have to learn and practice in order to become competent.

Recognize that mistakes and flaws are part of the human condition. You have flaws and you make mistakes. The more actively you are involved in life, the more mistakes you will make. But being actively involved allows you more opportunity for success as well. Accept yourself—flaws and all.

Positive self-esteem gives you the courage to be your own person, believe in your own values, and make the right decision when the pressure is on. To improve self-efficacy, it is best to focus on specifics. If someone gives you general feedback especially if it is negative you are less able to make changes than if someone can provide specific feedback.

The more behavior is reinforced, the more likely it will continue. If you want to improve your self-efficacy focus on what you do well and reinforce it by giving yourself specific praise. Be honest with yourself. Figure out your strengths and weaknesses. Don't beat yourself up over your weaknesses. Don't compare yourself to others but accept yourself and:
  • Set realistic goals for yourself
  • Celebrate your achievements
  • Trust your own feelings
  • Take it one day at a time
  • Do your best each day

Try to get the most out of your strengths and do your best, without demanding unrealistic results of yourself.It is not always going to be easy to stick to your values, but you will be happier if you do. Because, you are the only one who knows what is best for you. 

When you value and respect yourself, it helps you avoid making bad decisions, which may affect the rest of your life.

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