How To Invest Your Profit (Guide)

Every investment involves taking risks. Though the degree of risk vary; businesses, entrepreneurs, and capital owners will require a return on their investment in order to cover this risk, and earn a reward.Since investment is a high-risk activity, real wealth is achieved by owning revenue streams that are under your control.

Investing the profit from your business to build wealth is a journey, and like most journeys, the sooner you start, the further you’ll go. A good money system and a profitable money multiplier will lead one into financial freedom.Creation of a money system requires deep thinking, discipline, time, smartness and all these is worth it.

If you want to increase your income, you should become a valuable asset. That will happen with self-improvement. Before you invest money to gain wealth, you need to first invest in yourself. Invest money and time. Self-belief is believing in your abilities and being confident about achieving success. This is extremely important.

There are many strategies to create wealth from the ground up, however, none of them involve luck. They all call for focused and dedicated effort and hours of toil. Without believing that you can do it, these strategies may not be useful.Be confident about your ability to put in the effort needed.

Have a positive attitude that can help you when you come across obstacles. Building wealth from the ground up is possible, however you may encounter many obstacles in your way. Self-confidence and determination will help you to clear obstacles and achieve your goals.

Debt is one of the biggest obstacles towards building wealth, and if you’re in debt you’ve got to eliminate it. If you’re ready to begin your journey to financial independence, the first thing that you need is a realistic look at your current financial situation. Spend a couple of hours working out what you own (your assets) and what you owe (your liabilities). 

In a sense do a personal balance sheet so that you have a snapshot of your current financial wellbeing — or lack thereof. Then start on your spending habits, check the last few months’ bank records and work out where you’re spending your money.

What Are Your Assets?

  1. The market value of your owned home.
  2. The money in your investment accounts such as mutual funds, etc
  3. The amount you have in your checking and savings accounts, including CDs and money market accounts.
  4. Notable items of value you own, such as artwork, furniture, , or collectibles.

Make a list of all your assets: This includes your house, car, savings, stocks, bonds, other investments, retirement accounts, property, etc. All of your savings accounts should be listed separately and added up together for a total.

Make a list of all your liabilities: This includes all your debts. Add up your mortgage, loans, medical debt, and any other debts you have. List them all out separately and add up the total. Subtract your liabilities from your assets: Subtract your liabilities from your assets. The total you get is your net worth.


While saving and not overspending are good habits to have, they can become money mistakes if you don’t eventually put your money to work for you. Invest in an income generating asset. These assets are attractive because of their ability to generate consistent, stable income over time such as:

  • Interest Paying Bonds.
  • Dividend Paying Stocks.
  • Single Family Rental Houses.
Any investment you make is going to be a risk. However, you can offset some of that risk by learning and gaining knowledge. “Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing” – Warren Buffett.

Regardless of when you begin to accumulate wealth, from the profits of your business, a successful plan will require:

A long-term investment strategy and a commitment to seeing that strategy through. So let us take a look at some of the main determinants.

Interest rates: Firstly, if interest rates rise, the opportunity cost of investment rises. This means that a rise in interest rates increases the return on funds deposited in an interest-bearing account, or from making a loan, which reduces the attractiveness of investment relative to lending. Hence, investment decisions may be postponed until interest rates return to lower levels.

Secondly, if interest rates rise, firms may anticipate that consumers will reduce their spending, and the benefit of investing will be lost.

Suppose you have $10,000 today that you willing to lend for one year at an annual interest rate of 5 percent. At the end of the year, you will get back your $10,000 plus $500 interest (0.05 × 10,000), for a total of $10,500. The general relationship is:

Money Today (1 + interest rate) = Money Next Year

While you surely can trick someone into giving you their money, the easiest way to build wealth is by creating value for others and investing your profit. So instead of thinking ”Wealth Creation” you should think ”Value Creation”. That will give you the right mindset that you need to become really successful, because it shifts the focus from you to your customers.

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